Friday, October 2, 2015

Star Gate Remote Viewing Intensive

Star Gate Remote Viewing Intensive: Star Gate Remote Viewing IntensiveNovember 20 22 2015Masonic Centre1495 West 8 th Avenue Vancouver BC.Transcending Space

Friday, February 28, 2014

German New Medicine Seminar I & II Vancouver

German New Medicine *

Fri 28 - Mon 31 March  2014

9 30 am to 5 30 pm each day



Terrace Ave

 North Vancouver BC

  "Understanding the Emotional Component of Disease"

Liberate yourself
from the fear and panic that often comes with the
onset of an illness

After the tragic loss of
his son in 1978, Dr. R G Hamer MD subsequently developed
cancer. Working as the head internist in a German Cancer
clinic at the time, he was moved to research the
connection between emotional trauma and cancer. He

has proven scientifically
that much of what
we consider to be disease, including cancer, originates
from an unexpected conflict or emotional shock (a
biological conflict)
, affecting not only the
psyche, but also the part of the brain that corresponds
biologically to a specific trauma and a specific organ.
This triggers a special biological program,
designed to assist and support us in resolving a biological

. This biological program
progresses through two phases; a phase of conflict
followed by resolution or healing
once the issue has been resolved. Official medicine does
not recognize this pattern, and treats symptoms in
isolation and out of context.

The reseach of Dr R G Hamer MD, reveals the true
nature and purpose of cancer and much of what we call
"disease". This knowledge will forever change your
perspective on health and well being.


- offers an introduction to the Five Biological Laws
discovered by Dr Hamer and the most significant cancers
and their relationship with emotional trauma, including
prostate cancer, breast cancer, kidney cancer (cysts,
water retention, hypertension, kidney disorders,
infections, kidney stones, adrenal cancer, Cushing
syndrome, Addison's disease), liver cancer (cirrhosis,
jaundice, hepatitis, gall stones), brain tumors, chronic
disease, toxins and "carcinogens", secondary cancers (so
called metastasis), lung cancer, and more.

Saturday - continues with colon cancer, (rectal
cancer, Crohn's disease, IBS, hemorrhoids), testicular and
ovarian cancer and cysts, bone cancer, lymphoma,
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, osteoporosis, osteosarcoma,
leukemia, arthritis, gout, and more.


- discusses heart conditions ( cholesterol, angina
pectoris, lung embolism, coronary, and myocardial heart
attack), stroke.

Monday - continues with skin disorders (melanoma,
shingles, acne, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, herpes,
vitiligo), muscle disorders (Multiple Sclerosis,
Parkinson's, ALS), epilepsy, bronchial and laryngeal
asthma (bronchitis & bronchial cancer, laryngitis
& laryngeal cancer), thyroid, cervical & uterine
cancer, pancreatic & stomach cancer, and stomach



with advance registration and a deposit of $310 $720 after 7 March 2014

(50% discount to repeat)

Information, Registration and Payment

John Theobald   <>

Lisa Lauzé  <>


here for updates & future seminar dates
/ locations

Payments & Deposits

Payments may be made directly from your bank account via email using Interac e-Transfer to: John <>
What is Interac e-Transfer ? Interac e-Transfer demo
Cheques payable to John Theobald may be delivered or mailed to John Theobald or Lisa Lauze

Deposits are
non refundable, however if you do not
attend the seminar that you registered
for, the deposit can be carried
forward and used for a future seminar
or It may be applied to coaching
services. It can also be transferred
to someone else of your choice.

GNM Coaching and

Private Coaching and support is available to
practitioners and their clients, as well as
the individual to explain in detail any issues
or symptoms, in the context of German New
Medicine, pertaining to personal health and
wellness. In person, by phone or via Skype

$125 / session

NOTE: This is not intended to be a substitute
for professional medical advice

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Cancer and Emotional Trauma

Cancer and Emotional Trauma: Seminar I2223 February 2014930 am - 530 pmPrince George BC GNM SEMINAR I starts with a thorough introduction to the Five Biological Laws and covers the Special Biological Programs of kidney cancer (c

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Cancer - Seminar I II German New Medicine

Cancer - Seminar I II German New Medicine: Seminar I1112 April 2014930 am - 530 pmRegina GNM SEMINAR I starts with a thorough introduction to the Five Biological Laws and covers the Significant Biological Special Programs (SBS) of kidney canc

Monday, December 9, 2013

Dec 2013 * The Canadian Society of Questers - Vancouver Chapter - Community Newsletter Updated

  Community Newsletter
This e mail may also be read on line here;
* Please Scroll Down for Exact Dates, Times & Details *

The Canadian Society of Questers - Vancouver Chapter   
The Silva Ultramind ESP Seminar

January 2014
Canadian Society of Questers - Surrey/Langley Chapter

February & beyond
India - Sacred Journey to India with Jeffrey Armstrong

* Dates and times may change - please confirm all information with the event coordinator *
** Please Scroll Down for More Details **


 The Canadian Society of Questers - Vancouver Chapter
Tuesday 10 December
7 pm - Doors open at 6:30 pm please arrive early

This is our annual Christmas Social
Flying Wedge Pizza will served

You may bring deserts and / or salads if you wish


The January 14 2014 meeting presents;

Dane Stevens Coach,facilitator,Trauma Specialist

On health and wellness, and the body, mind and spirit.

Whether it's weight issues, eating disorders, chronic pain, addictions, self-sabotage, negative relationship patterns, finances, or any other negative and unwanted condition!

THE LAW of ATTRACTION Is supposed to work so why isn't it working for me.

Learn how to align your conscious and your subconscious TO LIVE the LIFE you DESERVE to LIVE
It's simpler than you think !!!


All meetings of the Vancouver Chapter of the CSQ are held at the MARITIME MUSEUM 1905 Ogden Avenue, Vancouver on the second Tuesday of the month, Sept to June. Doors open at 6:30 pm, meeting starts at 7:00 pm. The museum is located at the north end of Chestnut St, just west of the Planetarium, on the water in the Kitsilano area. Please enter using the south-side door of the Museum. Pay Parking is in effect in the Museums parking lot. A limited # of passes are provided to members for the evening on a first come first served basis - see Evah. Free parking is available on side streets for non- members  (beware - pay parking is enforced at the Planetarium)          

You are encouraged to network. Bring any literature and business cards relating to products or services that are of interest to the metaphysical community.

Please refrain from wearing any strong fragrance or perfume

$10 members / $10 non-member
Enquiries: Evah 604-684-3584 / Gordi <>

The Silva Ultramind ESP Seminar
Saturday, December 28, 2013, 9:00am - 5:00pm
North V
ancouver BC

On Average 60,000 thoughts whiz through our minds per day. Most of them are never registered consciously. This statement was made by Dr. Deepak Chopra MD around 1995 when he published findings from PET Scanners in his book Quantum Healing.

The average internal 'self dialogue' has been measured at 150 words per minute on average. That is constant 'verbal dysentery' for some of us who can never stop their brains from constant chatter even when they are fast asleep! :)

SINCE MOST OF OUR LIVES ARE LIVED ON AUTO PILOT ( SEE THE WORK OF DR. MILTON E ERICKSON MD ) We therefore spend about 95% of our thoughts on worry, fear, anxiety, meaningless tunes, and painful memories hidden in the depths of our Subconscious Minds that constantly thwart our efforts at being successful.

Instead of being on a "Magnificent Luxury Cruise Ship" we seem to spend our lives on a tug boat examining loads of rusty old bolts and nuts and an assortment of sharp objects....:) ......often wondering to ourselves, when will we get to go on board that beautiful liner, instead of being on a tug boat tied to this massive luxury liner and not being able to clamber aboard.

The Silva Ultramind ESP Seminar was the last product that Jose Silva the founder of the system created before he departed to another dimension.

Explore states of Pure Consciousness devoid of Identity!

Enter a state so blissful and peaceful...that time begins to melt away.... (you are likely to experience the day go by so very swiftly )

Discover "Blind Spots" by coaxing your Subconscious Mind to gently reveal them to you via dreams or subliminal inner promptings!

Learn to find out answers to a course of action and then using tools to create that object or condition you desire quickly and in the most amazing manner!

Begin to transform your mind and your life completely with easy simple tools and guidance from your inner 'Genie"....waiting to assist you always.

Access your own deep and hidden reservoirs of creativity and intelligence.

Tap into intuitive functioning at any time to rapidly solve problems and answer questions.

Discover new ways to achieve Alpha and Theta Brainwave frequencies during waking consciousness.

Expand your own psychic tool chest with visualizations, colors, geo-positions and other easy-to-use techniques that enhance your ability to see and act in the direction that benefits your higher self and your life on this planet.

$495 cash only

January 2014

The Canadian Society of Questers - Surrey/Langley Chapter
2 Jan 2014

Speaker TBA

All meetings of the Surrey/Langley Chapter of the CSQ are held at the Elks Hall in Cloverdale
41217665-66A Ave, Surrey on the 1st Thursday of the month of the month, Sept to June starting at 7 PM
$7 for members, $10 for guests, tea and cookies are provided at the break
Enquiries: Brenda Wallace or 604-375-9341
All welcome
February & beyond

India - Sacred Journey to India with Jeffrey Armstrong
A 2-week Immersion into Vedic Wisdom and Yoga Philosophy
March 1-15, 2014
Join master storyteller, author, and Vedic scholar, Jeffrey Armstrong (Kavindra Rishi), on a Sacred Journey to India. This is a 2-week immersion into Vedic Wisdom and Yoga Philosophy and will include at least 30 hours of teachings with Jeffrey. Offering many wonderful and unique experiences, this trip of a lifetime will allow you to trace the steps of the great Avatar, Shri Krishna, while helping you to expand your consciousness, open your heart, and unlock the vast potential of your body, mind, and spirit. Highlights include Delhi, Rishikesh, Haridwar, Vrindavan, Mathura, Agra, Jaipur and a few days to experience the International Yoga Festival in Rishikesh.
Sacred Earth Journeys -, (604) 874-7922, Toll Free 1-877-874-7922,


Cosmic Vision News

It is now increasingly more evident how the mainstream media, particularly the media in North America have not been doing their job with the honour, integrity and moral courage that they have been bragging about having. With each passing false-flag event, the global public are more skeptical than ever that the information being offered to them is truthful.

Cosmic Vision News is the news around, upon, within and beyond our planet. Cosmic Vision News is dedicated to bringing the news that the mainstream media is not willing to offer, and to offer it with a more galactic and spiritual perspective - and is the only newscast of its kind in the world.

It is also the first newscast that makes official the existence of our galactic families, and that refers to them as family. This newscast has sought to lay a foundation for the future of journalism restoring truth, honour, integrity, but more importantly empowerment, compassion and love.

THE GOAL: To expand this newscast from its current audio (radio) format to a video (online TV) format and to grow the newscast into a larger operation as time goes on, eventually becoming a truly global operation.

This project is starting out small, with some committed and dedicated volunteers who feel called to serve and to grow this project. The aim is to grow as the skills and processes are mastered. A broadcast news outlet requires resources and operating expenses. Computers to handle the video workload, software, lighting equipment, equipment for the set, a soundproof recording area, recording equipment and a space to rent and operate from.

The initial outlay for equipment and four months of operating expenses is in the neighbourhood of $8,000.

Blessings to you on all levels for your Light and your energies in supporting the disclosure of our galactic families, and for supporting Cosmic Vision News!

Bill Vander Zalm former Premier of British Columbia, worth listening to ...
... reflecting on the modern political paradigm, the increasing cost of government, the rising power of the bureaucracy, the HST dispute, referendum legislation, smart meters, global government, chemtrails, mainstream media, marijuana decriminalization referendum, Gordon Campbell and the Bilderberger secret society, and control !!!

For those interested in Raw (unpasteurized) milk and the right to freedom of choice re food in general;

SEVA    SUCCESSFUL Entrepreneurship Support Program

A Unique, holistic Platform for Successful Entrepreneurship

Are you tired of handling your business alone?

Do you need to learn some new skills or strategies?

Do you want to be a part of a community that helps you advance your business?
Inner Evolution Center is launching a new Entrepreneurial Support Group to help you Get Connected, learn the Vital Skills, and Grow Your Business together. This project is designed to be affordable for all entrepreneurs, and tends to help small businesses grow by using the power of education and community support.

To find more information visit or call Bhavna Solecki at (778) 389 5086

Bare Nature Products
are hand crafted, organic herbal teas, organic herbal remedies and organic skin care products.
No chemicals, dyes or perfumes are used. 
They are all made and designed by herbalist, Jaye Siegmueller,
in the Monashee mountains of British Columbia Canada. 
Much love for spreading the love! 
Warm regards,
Jaye Siegmueller
Bare Nature Products

This is a good friends project, please support if you can and spread the word, thanks.
It's an immersion program for teens and young adults who are living with depression and anxiety.
The program offers practices and tools used for "bringing their happy back."

Professional Membership

Are you a Practitioner, Provider, Educator, Speaker, Author, Trainer, Therapist, Counselor?

As a Practitioner or other MIND, BODY or SPIRIT Professional...
You Probably Know That 'Getting Known'... and 'Getting Found' by customers and clients today is Hard.
Harder in fact, than it's ever been before.

And That's Where the Natural Health Community Comes In... Free Mini-Site, Free Viral Blog, Tools, Training, and More!

* German New Medicine *
Coaching and Support

Private Coaching and technical support is available to practitioners and their clients, as well as the individual wellness consumer to explain in detail any issues or symptoms, in the context of German New Medicine, pertaining to personal health and wellness. In person, by phone or via Skype

$125 / Session

John Theobald

NOTE: This is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice

Magic of Arts
Yonisha Rhythms - November 2012
Community Happenings in the Okanagan
Magic of Arts - December, 2012

Loree Christianson has opened an Independent Dental Hygiene Practice.

About Radiance;
  • We are an Independent Dental Hygiene Practice providing preventive dental services.
  • We do not require a referral and treatment is covered by most dental insurance.
  • Radiance gives you more choices about your dental care.
  • All Initial New Patient consultations are complimentary.

Monroe Institute Programs at Honeymoon Bay on Vancouver Island BC
new web-site:
Facebook page:

Welcome to Issues Magazine

... for Empowerment. A resource for connecting, healing, and awakening that was started in 1990. Our mission is to provide inspiration and networking opportunities for the Conscious Community. 25,000 copies are distributed freely in British Columbia and Alberta.

Issues Magazine sponsors the Spring Festival of Awareness & Wise Women Festival at the Naramata Center near Penticton, BC
"The other side of Ionized water"

... is one of many products and panaceas that the wonky-water wellness industry flogs onto the large segment of the general public that lacks the scientific background to distinguish scientific fact from pseudo scientific hype when the two are closely intertwined. The purpose of this page is to critically examine some of the claims about "ionized" and alkaline waters from the standpoint of modern chemistry and physiology in order to provide you with the information you need to make your own informed decision before opening your wallets to the hucksters of these products and whose claims are totally lacking in scientific support.


Power Animal Drum Journey

We are pleased to extend an invitation for you to join us every last Tuesday of the month for a Power Animal Drum Journey and Reiki Drum Healing Circle at Mystic Waters Ranch in (Brookswood) Langley.
Practically everything in our external world is pushing us to move at dizzying speeds, doing more and feeling less. And then there's our internal world, quietly whispering for us to slow down, take only purposeful action and enjoy life.
If you are one who feels stretched almost beyond your capacity, easily distracted by external forces and/or generally feeling stressed most of the time; you need to be with us for these evenings. Each month you will experience a new journey, receive meaningful insights and leave feeling more focused, relaxed and joyful.
During the evening you will go on a meditative journey where you'll connect with the essence, or spirit of an animal whose power is exactly what you need right now. After the journey you'll receive Reiki Drum Healing helping you internalize the wisdom gained during your journey. Allow yourself to travel on the heartbeat of the drum as she calls us home to our hearts. The rhythmic heartbeat of the drum brings us a sense of calmness, clarity and confidence as we let go of unwanted and disruptive energy blockages.
Circles begin promptly at 7pm. All participants must register (no drop-ins).

Register by phone 604-307-9417 By Donation to Mystic Waters Ranch

The Canadian Society of Questers - Surrey/Langley Chapter
All meetings of the Surrey/Langley Chapter of the CSQ are held at the Elks Hall in Cloverdale
41217665-66A Ave, Surrey on the 1st Thursday of the month of the month, Sept to June starting at 7 PM
$7 for members, $10 for guests, tea and cookies are provided at the break
Enquiries: Brenda Wallace or 604-375-9341
All welcome


How to Write & Publish Your Own Book in 40 Days with Bob Burnham

... is an unique, scenic, and peaceful riverside retreat near Golden BC
Sign up to receive our wonderful Monthly Newsletters at hot tub, cedar sauna, and massage therapist on site scenic rafting trips for the whole family comfortable lodge, cottages, and teepees for your accommodations work/play shops for personal growth and evolution healthy, organic meals on request RIVERSIDE views with wonderful Mud baths! labyrinth, rainbow wheel of life, sweat lodge the stars at night, sunsets, and alpenglow. We are a member of "Environmentally Friendly Hotels".
"we are a safe sanctuary for your inner and outer explorations"
Edge Deck & Railing
For all your sun deck needs: construction, repair, and specializing in vinyl membrane installation.
Contact Greg@604-513-9005
The  Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) is a modular, DIY, low-cost, high-performance platform that allows easy fabrication of the 50 different Industrial Machines that it takes to build a small, sustainable civilization with modern comforts.
End of Life Guide
A very special soul helping families with people or pets in the final stages of transition to peacefully let go.
Shallah Ray Montaine | Animal Communicator | Telepathic Translator

Whitby's Metaphysical Book and Gift Store
Dedicated to Personal and Spiritual Growth. Where treasures for the Spirit are sought and found, friends are made and ...
14833 Marine Drive, White Rock, BC
From the deepest part of your being, what do you truly want ?
Do you want comfort in this "Disneyland reality" or something entirely different ? Many people just follow what others do, hoping that the others know what they are doing and where they are going. Here's the interesting thing. If you think about becoming self-sufficient, it's as simple as building a small garden and unplugging oneself bit by bit from grid (dependency on TV, microwave ovens, etc). Why are people still whining about the big and little "they" ? Because the vast majority of people on the vanguard of what we could call 2012 mania, think they are going somewhere else and that earth is just a way station. The rest either don't care or live in hopeless hope that somewhere else might exist somewhere over the rainbow.

Any thoughts on this ?
Do you have any suggestions for the CSQ Journal ?
Do you know someone who should be published, or perhaps you have something that would be suitable for the Journal ?
If so, please contact the editor
Susan Chepelsky  <>
Jacky Essombe Yasse Afro Art Email
3 Hour Class - How to Write & Publish Your Own Book in 40 Days

Position yourself as the Expert by writing a book. Consider this fact: 'The Prestige Enjoyed by the Published Author is Unparalleled in Our Society'. Take advantage of this fact to make more money in your business or even in your job career. This course will show you both how to write a book on a subject you are passionate about and how to have it published for little or no money. This could be the most important course you ever take. Taught by Entrepreneur and # 1 Amazon Best Selling Author of: '101 Reasons Why You Must Write A Book', Bob Burnham.
Sacred Ceremonies: Blessings for Special Events
Creative & Unusual Rites of Passage at your location, anywhere within the Lower Mainland, BC. Weddings, Handfasting, Memorial Services, Funerals, and Baby Naming. Non-Denominational: honouring all faiths, including non-religious. Ordained 'High Priestess' Sahara Exodus / 604.908.4846
Help Free the Earth
1. RING OF POWER From the mysteries of ancient Egypt to the 9/11 cover-up, this 5 star doc highlights 4000 years of "untold" human history in 5 hours.

2. MONKEY BLOOD 85% of the human population tests positive for the Rhesus monkey gene while 15% do not. What is your blood type and what does this mean? Who are we? Where did we come from? Where are we going?

3. THE REVOLUTION TRAP This DVD profiles 8 popular celebrity activists - Michael Moore, David Icke, Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, Sarah Palin, Ron Paul, Naomi Wolf and Glenn Beck. What's their revolutionary message? Can they be trusted? Are they misleading us?

4. WILLIAM 2015 E Book Even before his birth, Princess Diana knew that her first born son was destined to be King, Messiah and leader of the New World Order.

5. GUIDED ASTRAL TRAVEL MP3Once you overcome your fears and learn how to Astral Travel, it's a skill and a thrill you'll never forget. This "weight freeing" technique is safe, professionally guided and incorporates audio harmonics and binaural beats to accelerate your transition from the physical plane to the astral plane and back again.
Utopia's Mystical Sanctuary
1830 Lonsdale Avenue
North Vancouver BC
Beautiful meeting and workshop space for rent2 minutes from Guildford Shopping Centre in Surrey! 600+ sq. ft. - Holds @ 40 in theatre seating. 20 - 25 in table/classroom seating. Lots of street parking. Bus stops right outside. Available 7 days per week, including evenings. Reasonable rates!!

Call Leslie/Peter: 604.542.1914 for more info.    *    projector and screen available to rent.
An excellent free resource;
The Healing Directory and Network - A Free Directory of Healers, Healing Schools and Workshops on Healing
Join the Quester News Group
This discussion group hosted by Yahoo is for members of the Canadian Society of Questers (CSQ). If you are not a member you can be referred by email by a CSQ member in good standing.
A few of the various spiritualist churches in the Lower Mainland.

UFO*BC is a non-profit society registered with the province of British Columbia, gathering local (BC and Yukon) sightings, investigating them as fully as possible, and making the public aware of the phenomenon.

UFOBC HOT LINE : (604) 878-6511 / Toll Free 1-866-878-6511

At, stream interesting and provocative documentary films for free!

Little Woo's Community Events - The most interesting and eclectic events list in BC

Little Woo's NEW Community Resources pages:

... feature various people and services in our community! If you wish to be included, please email <> ...(categories: arts, health & spirituality, activism & environment, miscellaneous services, fun & travel...)

I Proclaim My Right To Live!
Welcome to the Paradigm Shift in Awareness

What is a Right? 
By Jacquelyn-Rose

A Right is my recognition, awareness and acceptance of the fact that you are alive. It is my agreement to not interfere with your ability to provide for your body's needs. I know you are alive because I see your magnificent, miraculous body and I know that you are intimately connected and entwined with your body. I know that you need your body in order to experience life on earth; and I know that after you exhale your last breath, your body will instantly change. You will no longer be entwined with your body and your body will return to the elements of nature from which you fashioned it during your lifetime.

'Take Back Your Power'

... is a hard-hitting documentary film which exposes a technocratic agenda of control, and offers solutions for co-creating a better future. Based in BC, the film brings insight from throughout North America, Europe and the world - with expert researchers, insiders, politicians, doctors, and those affected by smart meter radiation. Exposed: 'big brother' corporate-government shennanigans, the real reason for huge energy cost increases, what's behind the health dangers, and more. Human beings everywhere are uniting, and we TAKE BACK OUR POWER.
Receptive Earth Hemp Products
PO Box 3815, Station Main Terminal, Vancouver, BC
Canada, V6B 3Z1
Phone: 604-306-3538 or toll-free: 1-800-684-3189

The Connection Magazine

A magazine covering Health, Fitness, Fun, Art, Adventure, 2012, Personal Growth and Awareness for the New Age Consciousness. Connection Magazine is printed in California, with a global outlook serving the world through free PDF magazine downloads. Healing Ourselves, Healing Our Planet is Connection Magazine's goal. Connection Magazine's purpose is to awaken and enliven our community by presenting a forum of ideas from all aspects of health, fitness, fun, art, adventure and awareness, to increase our awareness and understanding about the many quality healthy living and consciousness lifestyle options available.

The illusion lies not in your 3rd dimensional existence, but in your willingness to embrace your enslavement

About this newsletter:

This news letter is intended to be a community service. To make this long list easier to use, all upcoming dated events are listed chronologically.
Please feel free to forward all or a portion of this newsletter. Any other comments or contributions welcomed.

If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, please reply to this e mail letting me know, and your e mail address will be deleted.
Or if you are only interested in specific information or a specific presenter, please let me know and I will try to accomodate your wishes


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Canadian Society of Questers - Vancouver Chapter Nov 2013

  Community Newsletter
This e mail may also be read on line here;
* Please Scroll Down for Exact Dates, Times & Details *

November & beyond
Canadian Society of Questers - Surrey/Langley Chapter
* German New Medicine *      Seminar Ia / II    Parksville & Vancouver
The Canadian Society of Questers - Vancouver Chapter   
How to Write & Publish Your Own Book in 40 Days with Bob Burnham
Heart Resonance Level 1 & 2
* German New Medicine *  Seminar I    Nelson

December & beyond
Mexico - Maya Sacred Path: Promise of the Maya Prophecies with Miguel Angel Vergara
India - Sacred Journey to India with Jeffrey Armstrong

* Dates and times may change - please confirm all information with the event coordinator *
** Please Scroll Down for More Details **


Canadian Society of Questers - Surrey/Langley Chapter
Thursday November 5th
7:00-9:30pm (doors open at 6:30)

Roger Joyeux
Crystals, Divine Light and Our Body

Roger Joyeux will be joining us from Alberta. He is the author of three books: two volumes of The Story of Light: A Path to Enlightenment, and The Crystal Textbook. Roger has worked with crystals since 1990, using them to help clients raise their vibration to invoke the light body. He has channeled the information that went into the books, providing new information on spiritual paths and more. His latest book explains how you can use crystals and how they work with divine light for balance, healing, vibrational changes, and a lot more. Roger's mission is to help spread a conscious understanding of the nature of divine light and to help individuals complete their paths to enlightenment so they may consciously participate in the divine co-creation of our physical world and achieve the promise of the ascension that this new age brings.

Roger has been doing healing work with clients since 1991.  He uses crystals and his copper energy bed to raise the physical body’s vibration to invoke the light body.  The client takes an accelerated step on their spiritual path according to what he or she can handle. He is also a past life regressionist. He was certified in Huna Kane, a hands-on Hawaiian healing massage technique, in 1996, and with this technique helps the client open to divine light and heal and clear stubborn blockages held by the body, either in this lifetime or in past lifetimes. Read more about Roger and his latest book at

His books will be available for sale at the meeting.

In Cloverdale at the Elks Hall
#412 17665 66A Ave, Surrey
Cost: $7 for members, $10 for non-members (cash or cheque)

Brenda Wallace
Holistic Career & Business Coach
Motivating you to make changes until you love your life and work.
Would you like to join my Intuition Circle?  Grow your intuition, raise your vibration. We will meet Saturdays, 10am-12pm in January

Surrey/Langley Questers Meetup group:
Surrey/Langley Questers Facebook page:

* German New Medicine *      Seminar Ia
Parksville    Fri 8 Nov
Vancouver  Fri 15th

Seminar Ia presents a thorough introduction to Dr Hamer's basic research, plus  kidney cancer (cysts, water retention, hypertension, bladder and kidney disorders, infections, kidney stones, adrenal cancer Cushing Syndrome, Addison's disease), lung cancer, (pneumonia), breast cancer, prostate cancer, and more.

No Prerequisite     (minimum requirement for admission to Seminar II)

$125 with advance registration and a deposit of $62.50
$150 at the door

Information, Registration and Payment         
Vernon    Jaye Coward <>       or   John Theobald <>

All days
9 30 am - 5 30 pm

Check here for seminar information, dates and times
German New Medicine on Face Book
* German New Medicine *      Seminar II
Parksville    Sat / Sun     9 / 10 Nov  2013
Vancouver    Sat / Sun     16 / 17 Nov  2013

All days 9 30 am - 5 30 pm

Saturday; heart conditions (elevated cholesterol, angina pectoris, lung embolism, coronary, and myocardial heart attack), stroke,

Sunday; skin disorders (melanoma, shingles, acne, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, herpes, vitiligo), muscle disorders (Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson, ALS), epilepsy, bronchial and laryngeal asthma (bronchitis & bronchial cancer, laryngitis & laryngeal cancer), thyroid, cervical & uterine cancer, pancreatic & stomach cancer, and stomach ulcers.

Prerequisite Seminar Ia

$250 with advance registration and a deposit of $150
$300 at the door

Venue Information, Registration and Payment

John Theobald <>

Check here for seminar information, dates and times
German New Medicine on Face Book

 The Canadian Society of Questers - Vancouver Chapter
Tuesday 12 November
7 pm - Doors open at 6:30 pm please arrive early

Robbie Holz

is a consultant for body/mind/spirit wellness, a charismatic speaker and a multiple award-winning author. She travels widely teaching the powerful healing techniques and philosophies that she has practiced personally.

She has presented at conferences and workshops for dozens of organizations with an interest in healing principles, the power of the mind and achieving greater consciousness. The Multiple award-winning Secrets of Aboriginal Healing is the inspirational true story of Dr. Gary Holz’s healing journey with a remote aboriginal tribe in the Australian Outback.

In addition to Robbie’s award-winning book, Secrets of Aboriginal Healing, her articles on holistic health topics and aboriginal wisdom have appeared in magazines and publications in Australia, Canada and the U.S.

After contracting Hepatitis C through a blood transfusion, Robbie healed herself using Australian aboriginal healing principles. Subsequent to the passing of her husband Gary, Robbie journeyed to stay with an Outback aboriginal tribe, experiencing the power of their 60,000-year-old ceremonies for herself.

Contact Robbie: (425) 967-5514 -
230 4th Avenue North Edmonds, WA 98020


All meetings of the Vancouver Chapter of the CSQ are held at the MARITIME MUSEUM 1905 Ogden Avenue, Vancouver on the second Tuesday of the month, Sept to June. Doors open at 6:30 pm, meeting starts at 7:00 pm. The museum is located at the north end of Chestnut St, just west of the Planetarium, on the water in the Kitsilano area. Please enter using the south-side door of the Museum. Pay Parking is in effect in the Museums parking lot. A limited # of passes are provided to members for the evening on a first come first served basis - see Evah. Free parking is available on side streets for non- members  (beware - pay parking is enforced at the Planetarium)          

You are encouraged to network. Bring any literature and business cards relating to products or services that are of interest to the metaphysical community.

Please refrain from wearing any strong fragrance or perfume

$10 members / $10 non-member
Enquiries: Evah 604-684-3584 / John

Next meeting Tuesday 10 December - Christmas social, no speaker

Regrettably, rising rent and declining attendance necessitate an increase in admission.

How to Write & Publish Your Own Book in 40 Days with Bob Burnham

Position yourself as the Expert by writing a book. Consider this fact: 'The Prestige Enjoyed by the Published Author is Unparalleled in Our Society'. Take advantage of this fact to make more money in your business or even in your job career. This course will show you both how to write a book on a subject you are passionate about and how to have it published for little or no money. This could be the most important course you ever take. Taught by Entrepreneur and # 1 Amazon Best Selling Author of: '101 Reasons Why You Must Write A Book', Bob Burnham. A complete workbook is included. (3 Hour Class)

New Westminster: Nov. 12, 2013
Location: New Westminster Secondary School - 835 - 8th Street, New Westminster
To Register Please Contact 604-517-6345

Langley: Nov. 14, 2013
Location: Langley Secondary School - 21405 56th Avenue, Langley, BC
To Register Please Contact 604-533-4227

Langley: Nov. 30, 2013
Location: Credo Christian High School - 21846-52nd Avenue, Langley, BC
To Register Please Contact 604-533-4227

Heart Resonance Level 1 & Practitioner (Level 2)
November 16/17 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, Port Moody, BC

Heart Resonance (HR) is an incredibly powerful new form of healing. It is easily learned and used and very versatile, making it suitable for both personal and professional use. HR is taught in 4 levels and can be used to shift disharmonious energy, release negative imprinting and reestablish energetic health & harmony within a person as well as support spiritual transformation. HR allows the practitioner to resonate a powerful Divine Love energy field that transforms dis-ease and disharmony, while bringing the practitioner into alignment with a higher level of consciousness and love. HR opens you to a higher state of being while supporting you along your spiritual path with grace and love. HR practitioners can travel to any level of a person's existence to instigate powerful and positive shifts, clearing and releasing that which burdens the body, mind and spirit. Heart Resonance practitioners and clients worldwide testify to its positive impact and power

Your instructor, Lee-Ann Duarte is a HR Teacher and Advanced Master Practitioner who received her training directly from Trevor Gollagher (the Initiator of HR). Lee-Ann's life's purpose is be of service and support others on their journey to true health and happiness.

HR Level 1 - $288
HR Practitioner (Level 2)  - $188

For more information on how Heart Resonance can serve you, please visit the Inner Awakenings website at or call Lee-Ann at 604-362-3464.

* German New Medicine *  Seminar I
Sat / Sun 23 / 24 Nov

GNM Seminar ONE starts with a thorough introduction to Dr Hamer's work and the Five Biological Laws and covers the Special Biological Programs of kidney cancer (cysts, water retention, hypertension, bladder and kidney disorders, infections, kidney stones, adrenal cancer Cushing Syndrome, Addison's disease), lung cancer, (pneumonia), breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, (rectal cancer, Crohn's disease, IBS, hemorrhoids) liver cancer (cirrhosis, jaundice, hepatitis, gall stones), testicular and ovarian cancer and cysts, lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, osteoporosis, bone cancer, osteosarcoma, arthritis, gout, leukemia, spleen enlargement, and so-called brain tumors.

$250 with advance registration and a 50%deposit
$300 at the door

Information, Registration and Payment 
Kirsten Charlebois <>
John Theobald <>

All days 9 30 am - 5 30 pm

Check here for seminar information, dates and times
German New Medicine on Face Book

December & beyond

Mexico - Maya Sacred Path: Promise of the Maya Prophecies with Miguel Angel Vergara
A New Era in Balance and Harmony with Mother Earth
December 1-10, 2013
December 21, 2012 ended the 5,125 year cycle of the ancient Maya Calendar. The ending of this great cycle is followed by the beginning of a new one, we have passed through the portal into the new era. We are living in auspicious times. The world is changing and coming into balance. We may not be able to see it yet, but through the process of doing the work required to balance our own inner forces and projecting that out into the world and our day-to-day lives, we will be creating the outer balance needed. The Maya prophecies promised us a new era, one where we could create a world at peace and in harmony with Mother Earth. It is 2013 and now is the time to align all the opposing forces in our lives, heal our wounds, and start living a heart-centered life, truly in balance and harmony with Mother Earth. Highlights include Intoxicant, Balalaika, Kalakmul, Xtacumbilxunaan Caves, Uxmal, Labna and a 2 day Workshop on the beach in Campeche!

Sacred Earth Journeys -, (604) 874-7922, Toll Free 1-877-874-7922,


India - Sacred Journey to India with Jeffrey Armstrong
A 2-week Immersion into Vedic Wisdom and Yoga Philosophy
March 1-15, 2014
Join master storyteller, author, and Vedic scholar, Jeffrey Armstrong (Kavindra Rishi), on a Sacred Journey to India. This is a 2-week immersion into Vedic Wisdom and Yoga Philosophy and will include at least 30 hours of teachings with Jeffrey. Offering many wonderful and unique experiences, this trip of a lifetime will allow you to trace the steps of the great Avatar, Shri Krishna, while helping you to expand your consciousness, open your heart, and unlock the vast potential of your body, mind, and spirit. Highlights include Delhi, Rishikesh, Haridwar, Vrindavan, Mathura, Agra, Jaipur and a few days to experience the International Yoga Festival in Rishikesh.
Sacred Earth Journeys -, (604) 874-7922, Toll Free 1-877-874-7922,
* German New Medicine *  Seminar  I
Dates TBA

The Link Between Emotional Trauma and Disease Connection
presented by John Theobald B Sc

GNM Seminar I will cover Dr Hamer's fundamental research linking emotional trauma and disease, with respect to brain tumors, liver cancer (cirrhosis, jaundice, hepatitis, gall stones), prostate cancer, breast cancer, chronic disease, toxins and "carcinogens", secondary cancers, lung cancer, pneumonia, kidney cancer (cysts, water retention, hypertension, bladder and kidney disorders, infections, kidney stones, adrenal cancer Cushing Syndrome, Addison's disease), colon cancer, (rectal cancer, Crohn's disease, IBS, hemorrhoids), testicular and ovarian cancer and cysts, bone cancer, lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, osteoporosis, leukemia, arthritis, spleen enlargement.

Dr Hamer clearly establishes a link between emotional trauma and cancer, heart disease, skin & muscle disorders, psychological disorders and more.

$250 with advance registration and a deposit of $125
$300 at the door

Winnipeg Leagh Hancen <>     or    John Theobald <>

All days 9 30 am - 5 30 pm

Check here for seminar information, dates and times
German New Medicine on Face Book

* German New Medicine *      Seminar II
Dates TBA

Emotional Trauma and Disease
Presented by John Theobald B.Sc.

Dr. R G Hamer MD, is the first to prove scientifically that cancer, for example, is not - as previously thought - a senseless proliferation of deadly cells but rather part of a Biological Program of Nature that has been successfully practiced for millions of years. German New Medicine offers a completely new understanding of what we commonly call diseases.

Seminar II discusses heart conditions (elevated cholesterol, angina pectoris, lung embolism, coronary, and myocardial heart attack), stroke, skin disorders (melanoma, shingles, acne, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, herpes, vitiligo), muscle disorders (Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson, ALS), epilepsy, bronchial and laryngeal asthma (bronchitis & bronchial cancer, laryngitis & laryngeal cancer), thyroid, cervical & uterine cancer, pancreatic & stomach cancer, and stomach ulcers.

Seminar I is a prerequisite

$250 with advance registration and a deposit of $125
$300 at the door
Winnipeg Leagh Hancen <>     or    John Theobald <>

Check here for seminar information, dates and times
German New Medicine on Face Book


I was eating breakfast with my 10-year-old Granddaughter and I asked her, What day is tomorrow?" .
Without skipping a beat she said, "It's Prime Minister Day!"
She's smart, so I asked her "What does Prime Minister Day mean?" She replied, "Prime Minister Day is when the Prime Minister steps out of the Prime Minister's Mansion, and if he sees his shadow, we have 4 more years of BS"

Bill Vander Zalm former Premier of British Columbia, worth listening to ...
... reflecting on the modern political paradigm, the increasing cost of government, the rising power of the bureaucracy, the HST dispute, referendum legislation, smart meters, global government, chemtrails, mainstream media, marijuana decriminalization referendum, Gordon Campbell and the Bilderberger secret society, and control !!!

For those interested in Raw (unpasteurized) milk and the right to freedom of choice re food in general;

SEVA    SUCCESSFUL Entrepreneurship Support Program

A Unique, holistic Platform for Successful Entrepreneurship

Are you tired of handling your business alone?

Do you need to learn some new skills or strategies?

Do you want to be a part of a community that helps you advance your business?

Inner Evolution Center is launching a new Entrepreneurial Support Group to help you Get Connected, learn the Vital Skills, and Grow Your Business together. This project is designed to be affordable for all entrepreneurs, and tends to help small businesses grow by using the power of education and community support.

To find more information visit or call Bhavna Solecki at (778) 389 5086

Bare Nature Products
are hand crafted, organic herbal teas, organic herbal remedies and organic skin care products.
No chemicals, dyes or perfumes are used. 
They are all made and designed by herbalist, Jaye Siegmueller,
in the Monashee mountains of British Columbia Canada. 
Much love for spreading the love! 
Warm regards,
Jaye Siegmueller
Bare Nature Products

This is a good friends project, please support if you can and spread the word, thanks.
It's an immersion program for teens and young adults who are living with depression and anxiety.
The program offers practices and tools used for "bringing their happy back."

Professional Membership

Are you a Practitioner, Provider, Educator, Speaker, Author, Trainer, Therapist, Counselor?

As a Practitioner or other MIND, BODY or SPIRIT Professional...
You Probably Know That 'Getting Known'... and 'Getting Found' by customers and clients today is Hard.
Harder in fact, than it's ever been before.

And That's Where the Natural Health Community Comes In... Free Mini-Site, Free Viral Blog, Tools, Training, and More!

* German New Medicine *
Coaching and Support

Private Coaching and technical support is available to practitioners and their clients, as well as the individual wellness consumer to explain in detail any issues or symptoms, in the context of German New Medicine, pertaining to personal health and wellness. In person, by phone or via Skype

$125 / Session

John Theobald

NOTE: This is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice

Magic of Arts
Yonisha Rhythms - November 2012
Community Happenings in the Okanagan
Magic of Arts - December, 2012

Loree Christianson has opened an Independent Dental Hygiene Practice.

About Radiance;
  • We are an Independent Dental Hygiene Practice providing preventive dental services.
  • We do not require a referral and treatment is covered by most dental insurance.
  • Radiance gives you more choices about your dental care.
  • All Initial New Patient consultations are complimentary.

Monroe Institute Programs at Honeymoon Bay on Vancouver Island BC
new web-site:
Facebook page:

Welcome to Issues Magazine

... for Empowerment. A resource for connecting, healing, and awakening that was started in 1990. Our mission is to provide inspiration and networking opportunities for the Conscious Community. 25,000 copies are distributed freely in British Columbia and Alberta.

Issues Magazine sponsors the Spring Festival of Awareness & Wise Women Festival at the Naramata Center near Penticton, BC
Science to Sage Magazine
... where science meets the sage.

A theme-based on line magazine exploring the edge of creation with scientists innovative thinkers and creators designed to weave together an extensive body of knowledge that has for too long been fractured...each month is unique, informative and visually stunning.

Vancouver Edition Science 2 Sage electronic magazine - no paper cuts
Karen Elkins' Science to Sage Magazine * September Issue * Sustainability

"The other side of Ionized water"

... is one of many products and panaceas that the wonky-water wellness industry flogs onto the large segment of the general public that lacks the scientific background to distinguish scientific fact from pseudo scientific hype when the two are closely intertwined. The purpose of this page is to critically examine some of the claims about "ionized" and alkaline waters from the standpoint of modern chemistry and physiology in order to provide you with the information you need to make your own informed decision before opening your wallets to the hucksters of these products and whose claims are totally lacking in scientific support.


Power Animal Drum Journey

We are pleased to extend an invitation for you to join us every last Tuesday of the month for a Power Animal Drum Journey and Reiki Drum Healing Circle at Mystic Waters Ranch in (Brookswood) Langley.
Practically everything in our external world is pushing us to move at dizzying speeds, doing more and feeling less. And then there's our internal world, quietly whispering for us to slow down, take only purposeful action and enjoy life.
If you are one who feels stretched almost beyond your capacity, easily distracted by external forces and/or generally feeling stressed most of the time; you need to be with us for these evenings. Each month you will experience a new journey, receive meaningful insights and leave feeling more focused, relaxed and joyful.
During the evening you will go on a meditative journey where you'll connect with the essence, or spirit of an animal whose power is exactly what you need right now. After the journey you'll receive Reiki Drum Healing helping you internalize the wisdom gained during your journey. Allow yourself to travel on the heartbeat of the drum as she calls us home to our hearts. The rhythmic heartbeat of the drum brings us a sense of calmness, clarity and confidence as we let go of unwanted and disruptive energy blockages.
Circles begin promptly at 7pm. All participants must register (no drop-ins).

Register by phone 604-307-9417 By Donation to Mystic Waters Ranch

The Canadian Society of Questers - Surrey/Langley Chapter
All meetings of the Surrey/Langley Chapter of the CSQ are held at the Elks Hall in Cloverdale
41217665-66A Ave, Surrey on the 1st Thursday of the month of the month, Sept to June starting at 7 PM
$7 for members, $10 for guests, tea and cookies are provided at the break
Enquiries: Brenda Wallace or 604-375-9341
All welcome


... is an unique, scenic, and peaceful riverside retreat near Golden BC
Sign up to receive our wonderful Monthly Newsletters at hot tub, cedar sauna, and massage therapist on site scenic rafting trips for the whole family comfortable lodge, cottages, and teepees for your accommodations work/play shops for personal growth and evolution healthy, organic meals on request RIVERSIDE views with wonderful Mud baths! labyrinth, rainbow wheel of life, sweat lodge the stars at night, sunsets, and alpenglow. We are a member of "Environmentally Friendly Hotels".
"we are a safe sanctuary for your inner and outer explorations"
Edge Deck & Railing
For all your sun deck needs: construction, repair, and specializing in vinyl membrane installation.
Contact Greg@604-513-9005
The  Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) is a modular, DIY, low-cost, high-performance platform that allows easy fabrication of the 50 different Industrial Machines that it takes to build a small, sustainable civilization with modern comforts.
End of Life Guide
A very special soul helping families with people or pets in the final stages of transition to peacefully let go.
Shallah Ray Montaine | Animal Communicator | Telepathic Translator

Whitby's Metaphysical Book and Gift Store
Dedicated to Personal and Spiritual Growth. Where treasures for the Spirit are sought and found, friends are made and ...
14833 Marine Drive, White Rock, BC
From the deepest part of your being, what do you truly want ?
Do you want comfort in this "Disneyland reality" or something entirely different ? Many people just follow what others do, hoping that the others know what they are doing and where they are going. Here's the interesting thing. If you think about becoming self-sufficient, it's as simple as building a small garden and unplugging oneself bit by bit from grid (dependency on TV, microwave ovens, etc). Why are people still whining about the big and little "they" ? Because the vast majority of people on the vanguard of what we could call 2012 mania, think they are going somewhere else and that earth is just a way station. The rest either don't care or live in hopeless hope that somewhere else might exist somewhere over the rainbow.

Any thoughts on this ?
Do you have any suggestions for the CSQ Journal ?
Do you know someone who should be published, or perhaps you have something that would be suitable for the Journal ?
If so, please contact the editor
Susan Chepelsky  <>
Jacky Essombe Yasse Afro Art Email
3 Hour Class - How to Write & Publish Your Own Book in 40 Days

Position yourself as the Expert by writing a book. Consider this fact: 'The Prestige Enjoyed by the Published Author is Unparalleled in Our Society'. Take advantage of this fact to make more money in your business or even in your job career. This course will show you both how to write a book on a subject you are passionate about and how to have it published for little or no money. This could be the most important course you ever take. Taught by Entrepreneur and # 1 Amazon Best Selling Author of: '101 Reasons Why You Must Write A Book', Bob Burnham.
Sacred Ceremonies: Blessings for Special Events
Creative & Unusual Rites of Passage at your location, anywhere within the Lower Mainland, BC. Weddings, Handfasting, Memorial Services, Funerals, and Baby Naming. Non-Denominational: honouring all faiths, including non-religious. Ordained 'High Priestess' Sahara Exodus / 604.908.4846
Help Free the Earth
1. RING OF POWER From the mysteries of ancient Egypt to the 9/11 cover-up, this 5 star doc highlights 4000 years of "untold" human history in 5 hours.

2. MONKEY BLOOD 85% of the human population tests positive for the Rhesus monkey gene while 15% do not. What is your blood type and what does this mean? Who are we? Where did we come from? Where are we going?

3. THE REVOLUTION TRAP This DVD profiles 8 popular celebrity activists - Michael Moore, David Icke, Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, Sarah Palin, Ron Paul, Naomi Wolf and Glenn Beck. What's their revolutionary message? Can they be trusted? Are they misleading us?

4. WILLIAM 2015 E Book Even before his birth, Princess Diana knew that her first born son was destined to be King, Messiah and leader of the New World Order.

5. GUIDED ASTRAL TRAVEL MP3Once you overcome your fears and learn how to Astral Travel, it's a skill and a thrill you'll never forget. This "weight freeing" technique is safe, professionally guided and incorporates audio harmonics and binaural beats to accelerate your transition from the physical plane to the astral plane and back again.
Utopia's Mystical Sanctuary
1830 Lonsdale Avenue
North Vancouver BC
Beautiful meeting and workshop space for rent2 minutes from Guildford Shopping Centre in Surrey! 600+ sq. ft. - Holds @ 40 in theatre seating. 20 - 25 in table/classroom seating. Lots of street parking. Bus stops right outside. Available 7 days per week, including evenings. Reasonable rates!!

Call Leslie/Peter: 604.542.1914 for more info.    *    projector and screen available to rent.
An excellent free resource;
The Healing Directory and Network - A Free Directory of Healers, Healing Schools and Workshops on Healing
Join the Quester News Group
This discussion group hosted by Yahoo is for members of the Canadian Society of Questers (CSQ). If you are not a member you can be referred by email by a CSQ member in good standing.
A few of the various spiritualist churches in the Lower Mainland.

UFO*BC is a non-profit society registered with the province of British Columbia, gathering local (BC and Yukon) sightings, investigating them as fully as possible, and making the public aware of the phenomenon.

UFOBC HOT LINE : (604) 878-6511 / Toll Free 1-866-878-6511

At, stream interesting and provocative documentary films for free!

Little Woo's Community Events - The most interesting and eclectic events list in BC

Little Woo's NEW Community Resources pages:

... feature various people and services in our community! If you wish to be included, please email <> ...(categories: arts, health & spirituality, activism & environment, miscellaneous services, fun & travel...)

I Proclaim My Right To Live!
Welcome to the Paradigm Shift in Awareness

What is a Right? 
By Jacquelyn-Rose

A Right is my recognition, awareness and acceptance of the fact that you are alive. It is my agreement to not interfere with your ability to provide for your body's needs. I know you are alive because I see your magnificent, miraculous body and I know that you are intimately connected and entwined with your body. I know that you need your body in order to experience life on earth; and I know that after you exhale your last breath, your body will instantly change. You will no longer be entwined with your body and your body will return to the elements of nature from which you fashioned it during your lifetime.

'Take Back Your Power'

... is a hard-hitting documentary film which exposes a technocratic agenda of control, and offers solutions for co-creating a better future. Based in BC, the film brings insight from throughout North America, Europe and the world - with expert researchers, insiders, politicians, doctors, and those affected by smart meter radiation. Exposed: 'big brother' corporate-government shennanigans, the real reason for huge energy cost increases, what's behind the health dangers, and more. Human beings everywhere are uniting, and we TAKE BACK OUR POWER.
Receptive Earth Hemp Products
PO Box 3815, Station Main Terminal, Vancouver, BC
Canada, V6B 3Z1
Phone: 604-306-3538 or toll-free: 1-800-684-3189

The Connection Magazine

A magazine covering Health, Fitness, Fun, Art, Adventure, 2012, Personal Growth and Awareness for the New Age Consciousness. Connection Magazine is printed in California, with a global outlook serving the world through free PDF magazine downloads. Healing Ourselves, Healing Our Planet is Connection Magazine's goal. Connection Magazine's purpose is to awaken and enliven our community by presenting a forum of ideas from all aspects of health, fitness, fun, art, adventure and awareness, to increase our awareness and understanding about the many quality healthy living and consciousness lifestyle options available.

The illusion lies not in your 3rd dimensional existence, but in your willingness to embrace your enslavement

About this newsletter:

This news letter is intended to be a community service. To make this long list easier to use, all upcoming dated events are listed chronologically.
Please feel free to forward all or a portion of this newsletter. Any other comments or contributions welcomed.

If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, please reply to this e mail letting me know, and your e mail address will be deleted.
Or if you are only interested in specific information or a specific presenter, please let me know and I will try to accomodate your wishes
